


 With the continuous improvement of industrialization, it is considered that the proportion of air pollution in production is increasing, and the atmospheric environment is an important environment for human survival. If the atmospheric environment is polluted, water and soil will be destroyed, biodiversity will be reduced, causing harm to people's health and causing atmospheric pollution. The source of environmental pollution is due to the use of old production and processing methods, as well as excessive emissions caused by exhaust gas. Therefore, the treatment of exhaust gas is the key link to control the atmospheric environment from pollution and protect people's health. It is also the significance of the treatment of exhaust gas.
合同编号 使用单位 处理量(m3/h) 所属行业
HG17010 唐山英菲尼迪4S店 7000 汽车服务业
HG17032 唐山天工门业 10000 室内门
HG17051 唐山鼎然门业有限公司 20000 防盗门
HG18011 唐山海螺型材有限公司 2000 塑钢

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